Thursday, 30 April 2009

Live your life?

It was in The Devil Wears Prada where they said it and it has always been in my mind ever since; 'Let me know when your personal life goes up in smoke, that means its time for a promotion'. It makes me wonder, can you have a perfect balance between work and your personal life? I dont think so, ive not experienced it, one of them will always take priority, its not always a bad thing but cant be very helthy if its constant. Im saying this because ive got that kind of thing happening to me right now, i dont really have a personal life because of the amount of work i have, and i know the work will be worth it in the end, but it makes me sad that i cant have a life until ive left uni.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

That Stray

Now this may be a little bit of an odd thing to start with but there is a stray cat that keeps coming to the back door and constantly yelping. now i know it wants food and i do feel sorry for the poor thing but i am not a cat person. My whole family hates cats, now the reason why its back is because one of my friends is a softy towards cats and decided to feed it so now it wont go away, apparently its already been in the house. I dont like having animals in the house it feels dirty, and especially a stray. Now it annoed me so much i decided to throw some bread out of the window, my friend then reminded me that cats just eat meat in which case its going to have to go hungry, as students we can barely afford meat for ourselves let alone the local stray. Am i being a bit harsh possibly? i feel a bit guilty that im not feeding it, but if i was to then it would just keep coming back. Not the biggest of world issues i know but something i wanted to rant about.


Tuesday, 28 April 2009

In The Beginning...

This is a new venture for me, ok its nothing huge but I do like to communicate with people. This is a place where I shall be venting my thoughts and intrests as well as some of my bile that comes to the surface on a bad day.

Thank you for visiting, I hope you frequent back here, and please do feel free to join in, evertyhing here is open to discussion.
