Tuesday 12 May 2009

Ireland's Delay

I was quite shocked to find out today that homosexuality was only legallised in Ireland in 2003, extremely far behind the legalisation that was passed in the UK in 1967. I know that Ireland has had a very turbulant history and is extremely influenced by the catholic church, hence the issues on aborti0n. I just find it quite sad in a way that basic human rights have taken so long to be enforced in the country.


  1. Hey.

    I read this with a degree of shock, but perhaps little surprise. Homosexuals in the UK are not granted equal rights to heterosexuals, and it could take a long time before they are (if at all!)

    I hope you don't mind, but I've linked to this post on my blog and made further comment - have a look - http://jennywalksriise.blogspot.com/

  2. No i dont mind, yes i agree its a shame we will never have the same rights as straight people, at least the uk is more accepting than some places, we are lucky to be here really at least we dont get killed for it here!
